Episode 74: Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Rum

5 Minutes of Rum episode 74: Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Rum (Gold and Black), Hamilton Jamaican Pimento Dram, and the Montego Bay cocktail.

5 Minutes of Rum: Episode 74
Kevin Upthegrove

Current label for Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Gold rum.

Previous label for Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Gold rum.

Left: homemade pimento dram. Right: Hamilton Pimento Dram.

Left: Montego Bay with Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Gold rum. Right: Montego Bay with Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Black rum.

Montego Bay
1/2 oz fresh lime juice
1/2 oz white grapefruit juice
1/2 oz honey mix
1 1/2 oz dark Jamaican rum (Hamilton Jamaican Pot Still Rum - Gold or Black)
1/2 tsp pimento dram (Hamilton Jamaican Pimento Dram)
1 dash Angostura bitters
6 drops of Pernod
6 oz crushed ice

Flash blend everything for 5 seconds. Pour unstrained into a small stemmed glass. There should be enough aromatics in the cocktail to leave off a garnish.

Episode 73: Brugal Especial Extra Dry

5 Minutes of Rum episode 73: Brugal Especial Extra Dry, infusing ginger rum, and the Cloak & Stagger cocktail.

5 Minutes of Rum: Episode 73
Kevin Upthegrove

Cloak & Stagger
1 1/2 oz gin (Hendricks)
1 oz house ginger-infused rum (Brugal Especial Extra Dry base) 
3/4 oz orange juice (fresh if possible)
3/4 oz honey mix (1:1 honey and hot water)
1/2 oz tawny port (Dow’s Fine Tawny Porto)
Dash of Angostura bitters

Combine all ingredients in a shaker tin with ice cubes. Shake and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a piece of ginger candy stuck on a cocktail pick. Or on a sword.

Ginger-infused rum
Peel 2 ounces of fresh ginger and slice it into sticks into sticks. Add to a bottle of column still lightly aged rum (Brugal Especial Extra Dry). Let that sit in a cool dark place for at least 3 days, sampling daily until you achieve your desired level of flavor. Strain the rum, discard the ginger pieces, and rebottle.

Episode 72: Plantation O.F.T.D.

5 Minutes of Rum episode 72: Plantation O.F.T.D., Clément Creole Shrubb, and the Spicy Danger.

5 Minutes of Rum: Episode 72
Kevin Upthegrove

Spicy Danger
2 oz Plantation O.F.T.D.
1/2 oz. Clément Creole Shrubb
3/4 oz lime juice
3/4 oz spice syrup
1 oz soda water

Fill a collins glass with crushed ice. Add all ingredients except for the soda water. Swizzle until chilled. Top with more crushed ice and add the soda water. Stir to combine. Garnish with with an orange spiral.

Spice syrup
Crack together: 3 cinnamon sticks, 2 (ok more like 4) whole cloves, 1/4 tsp cardamom (if you're starting from whole cardamom pods, use 1 tsp. pods), and 2 tablespoons whole allspice. Boil in 3 cups of water until 1.5 cups remain. Strain, and add 1.5 cups of sugar. Heat over low heat until the sugar is dissolved. Cool and bottle. Add ~1 oz. white rum to stabilize.